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Iranian Soumar Nuclear-Capable Cruise Missile |
2 February 2017: Almost exactly twelve years ago (February 2005) I became aware of a 2001 nuclear weapons smuggling conspiracy that occurred between Ukraine, the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Through OSINT research I learned the smuggling involved the theft of 12 nuclear-capable Raduga KH-55SM cruise missiles by Russian/Ukrainian military intelligence operatives, and their transfer through a now long deceased (murdered) arms merchant by the name of Sarfraz Haider and his company, SH Heritage Holdings Ltd., in Cyprus to an IRGC front company, Satak Co, Ltd. Some analysts even maintain that four 200kT nuclear devices were also part of the smuggling conspiracy.
In 2015, after 10 full years of reverse engineering efforts, the Iranian's first launched their new and upgraded cruise missile which they branded as the Soumar. The Soumar is a virtual twin of the KH-55SM designed and built by the former Soviet Union to carry a 200kT nuclear warhead to its target 1,800 miles distant at a speed of approximately 500 miles per hour and under 300 feet in terrain following or sea-skimming altitude. No knowledgeable officer of the US government has ever had any illusions about the purpose of the Iranian Soumar nuclear-capable cruise missile - it is to directly and openly challenge the United States of America at a range of 1,600 to 1,800 miles. Note: Obama made his disastrous JCPOA nuclear deal with the Iranian mullahs, which they have also yet to fully ratify, after the very first Soumar nuclear-capable cruise missile had been successfully tested.
Fast forward to last Sunday. For about the 12th time since the JCPOA nuclear accord the Iranian's successfully launched a medium range nuclear-capable ballistic missile in a provocation that is forbidden according to the terms of the nuclear agreement and UNSC R-2231. Remember, as we recently learned, UNSC resolutions are supposed to be regarded as international law. Or maybe that's only when the UNSC resolutions apply to Israel? Nevertheless, within 48 hours of that Iranian ballistic missile test the Trump Administration put Iran on "official notice." Iran's response within hours of that "official notice" was to successfully test another Soumar nuclear-capable cruise missile.
Notice one more time the 1,600 to 1,800 mile range of this cruise missile, and realize that an Iranian commercial freighter crossing the Atlantic Ocean enroute to Venezuela, or Cuba, could potentially strike an American east coast city with one of these cruise missiles with almost no warning. And everybody knows Iran's military likes to shoot volleys of missiles all at once, as if they were arrows.
Two weeks into his new administration and President Donald Trump has a really serious problem to resolve. Make no mistake, this is a problem that economic sanctions will have no chance of mitigating in the slightest, never mind that there is also a near iron-clad certainty that Iran has transferred the Soumar nuclear-capable cruise missile to North Korea and their miniaturized nuclear warhead arsenal.
If there ever was a time for Jeremiah 49:34-39 to come to its fulfillment, I'd have to say that we're also really, really close to that time as well.
New years greetings Sean,
ReplyDeleteExtrodinary - I was just reading up on this development now, and turning over to Eschatology Today I see youve just posted on this now today too !.
Now that President Donald Trump is bringing a serious and determined focus to take real action (read miltary strikes) against our Islamic enemies, I concur we should expect to see such action against Iran soon, as such potentially serious weapons as this Irainian super cruise missle would be game changers......
It would be that this first strike will lead into the Jeremiah 49 prophesy being forfilled against Iran ("Elam"), which the text of this the Lord's word, indicates a devestating miltary blow against Iran, and possibly a nuclear "accident" inside Iran itself !.
Its long overdue for the Lord to break Iran's "bow", and so eliminate its threat to Israel , the Usa, and the western nations.
Amen. We can see another prophetic step towards Messiah Jesus's return !.
Marantha my friends.....
President Trump tweeted this comment this morning: "Iran is playing with fire - they don't appreciate how "kind" President Obama was to them. Not me!"
ReplyDelete- Brian from Florida
ReplyDeleteAnd I was worrying about all of my medical bills getting paid before the wolves attack us enmass! I am not being flippent but small matters suddenly have little ability to threaten me any longer!
Breaking the bow of Elam is indeed very paramount in my mind and my prayers are directed to your area of encampment because I know when these radical misfits spring into action it will be to dislodge the real springs that keep the watch running correctly! Our battle is both very Spiritual and manifest physical but not over whelming when God is in it with you!
Just in case there is any ambiguity about what took place this past week, I'm going to spell it out more clearly than anyone in our media has done thus far.
ReplyDeleteIn the year 2017 AD being "put on notice" means that a "do not cross" line has figuratively been drawn in the sand by President Trump around the feet of Iranian Ayatollah Khamenei, much the same way as when the Roman Republic's consul in Egypt, Gaius Popillius Laenas drew a line in the sand around the Seleucid Empire's Antiochus IV Epiphanes circa 168-67 BC.
Step across that line in the non-proscribed way and it means war will exist between the two nations.
"just in case there is any ambiguity about what took place this past week..." It has not been spelled out clearly in the media, surprise surprise.
DeleteI'll bet you if a war erupts with Iran, the media and all those crybaby liberals will be claiming Trump just wanted to start a war just like they did with Bush in 2003.
So you mean that the second missile Iran fired hours after the "official notice" wasn't actually a violation? Because I was under the impression from your previous posting that it was.
ReplyDeleteCorrect. The Soumar test has been effectively ignored for the threat that it represents.
It's not a ballistic missile. But with a 200kT warhead (20 times more powerfull than the Hiroshima A-bomb) and at around 1800 miles away from a ground zero target, the Soumar is just as much of a city killer as an IRBM or ICBM.
A jihadist Shi'a regime, a mahdi-hastening jihadist Shi'a regime has this weapon right now.
There are no more options other than military to deal with Iran, or North Korea for that matter. The proverbial can has been kicked down the street into a dead end brick wall.
Does America stand a chance with a full scale war between Russia, North Korea and Iran, and their allies? I hate to overestimate the enemy, but.....
ReplyDeleteDid America stand a chance in full-scale war against Germany, Italy and Japan?
ReplyDeleteI guess my main concern is how much did obama weaken our military? I'm glad he's gone, I'm just wondering how much does Trump need to rebuild our military before a full scale war erupts....If it does. I agree with you about America's place in Bible prophecy. When I consider Jeremiah 49;and Psalm 83, it looks like it's strongly in our (America's) favor. I just don't see those prophecies being fulfilled with a "reduced America"
ReplyDeleteIt matters not... God is in control.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! I'm looking forward to the day when we'll be in our glorified body and we'll see clearly. I said this before, I'm having a hard time seeing the pot boiling over long before these prophecies come to a rapid fulfillment
ReplyDeleteMay I add a thought in support of the impending miltary strike against Iran (Ilam in our bibles, Jeremiah 49):
I now strongly support the view that North Korea most likely has succesfully developed the nuclear warhead miniturisation required to mount the device on various missile types, of which it is a fact Iran has. This nuclear warhead technology will have been supported and shared with Iran. Your long line of briefings for us has helped alot in "understanding and discerning the times"....
Wether that is now fact, or will be very soon, this Iranian Soumar cruise missile has the capability (or soon will have) to have a nuclear warhead attached to it !.
So I trust we can now see, with ears and eyes open as Jesus commands, its now a deadly simple existential threat by Iran against Israel, the USA, and the free western nations (well whats left of it after years of liberal thinking and policy accross the globe, including Im sad to say many so called "evangelical Christians"...).
So friends, Iran's bow must be broken, and this must start by a miltary strike against Iran !. The USA, remains the leading miltary nation of the world, and although a long period of liberal world views has reduced her miltarily etc somewhat, she, in concert with her few true friends, has the capability to handle the difficult military attacks and challenges ahead.....
Its long overdue, and sadly it likely will trigger a new great and long round of war in the middle east,and yes big "times of trouble" for us all, economically etc.. But as Sean says its not our word and prophesy being forfilled, but Father, Son Messiah Jesus, and Holy Spirits will be done !. (So human politics, "leadership" etc is just a tool being used by G-d to forfill His purposes, so the motivations,profits etc of the industrial-miltary complex in the nations should be largely irrelevant to us, His citizens of the Kingdom of Jesus)
Do I hear any more Amens, or am I still another voice in the wilderness with Sean on this one ?.
Your long line of briefings Sean for us has helped alot in "understanding and discerning the times"....
Sorry to sound a negative note here, but seeking the truth in love insists so. My prayer is we are getting ready for the soon return of our Messiah Jesus. Marantha friends.
(Near the ends of the earth)
ReplyDeleteI have tracked these and directly related developments for decades, both in and out of uniform. What Iran has North Korea has and vice versa. This is what you've acknowledged in your comment above, and I appreciate that acknowledgement.
There is another unstated but hinted at reason for why this kind of nuclear weapons and delivery systems proliferation has occurred. As the title states unequivocally, and as referred directly in the first paragraph of this SITREP, the source of this proliferation was, and remains, Russia. I mentioned the SH (i.e. Sarfraz Holdings) Heritage Holdings Ltd) and the middleman arms dealer, and the Satak Co. Ltd front company of the IRGC as the recipient and importer to Iran of this proliferation. My original 2005 article on this transfer also named the Russian organization which initiated the theft and proliferation conspiracy - the FSB behind its commercial front company known as Ukrspetseksport and also FarWest Ltd. This was a $28 million deal disguised as a petroleum industry technology transfer. Janes Intelligence Review confirmed the key participation of the Russian government and its clandestine service in this nuclear weapons transfer.
In 2001 Vladimir Putin was FSB, at the top and giving orders since 1998-1999. This conspiracy took a couple of years time to execute. There's also a Russian writer by the name of Alexander Andreyevich Prokhanov, no friend of the USA either, who wrote and published a book in Russia in 2002, an actual account of other activities of Putin and Company (FSB) in Moscow and the wars in Chechnya. The name of the book: Gospodin Geksogen or Mister Hexogen. Hexogen was the explosive used by the FSB to blow up apartment buildings in and around Moscow in execution of their agenda to seize power over the post-Soviet Russian state. This book was a national best seller in Russia by 2005. This "Mr. Hexogen" pseudonym has been synonymous with Vladimir Putin in Russia and in the West for at least the past fourteen years.
It is an established fact that Russia under this current regime is in a military alliance with Iran, and has supplied it with defensive and offensive weaponry since the turn of the current century.
More importantly for the bride of Christ to understand is that this fact was specifically, and therefore undeniably, prophesied to occur by the word of God as given to the prophet Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 38:7 (NKJV) "Prepare yourself and be ready, you and all your companies that are gathered about you; and be a guard for them."
Additional corroborating resources:
There's enough open source information within what I've written for anybody with an internet hookup and at least five working brain cells to Google and locate ALL of the source material for what I've written. Anybody.
Correction of typo.
DeleteIn the above "Sarfraz Holdings" should be "Sarfraz Haider".
ReplyDeleteI can't shake the feeling that although the left has finally lost its control of the White House, God wants a certain level of division and even chaos to remain in America right now.
It started with the electoral college / popular vote split, and ever since then the left has been increasingly emboldened to obstruct the incoming government at every turn.
Just in the last few days we've seen these insane riots at UC Berkeley, and now activist "judges" at both the lower level and even the appeals level are interfering with the President's right to control immigration policy.
DeleteI wrote about this last fall and stated that it would continue and even get worse. I said there would be nothing the enemies of this republic would not do in pursuit of their agenda.
As noted more recently, it is the Holy Spirit-indwelt bride of Christ acting as Restrainer which holds them and their agenda back.
Eventually, they will get what they want because they already are under the influence of the Liar and his lies.
ReplyDeleteAs usual I am reading and getting all of those 'checks' at every new paragraph you write! Way back in 1995, after getting back home from a wonderful trip to Israel, the Holy SPIRIT awakened me by a dream that no one had the answer to! But you just published it and it gives me reason to have peace and security! So there is always a reason for our seeking God in every situation even when no one else cares or believes!
We are not lost or without hope in the least but infact, we were all appointed unto this day for this hour. We are not defenseless but in the truest sense of God's Word, "If God is for us, who can be against us?"
I am very much aware of the enormity of the threat, the mess we are now in politically and militarily but we are not without hope and a very strong Christian backing that has suddenly been totally awakened and armed! That BOW in ELAM is all but a pile of rubble right now as I type this and it will not be the only major demise to befall the empire of Evil and their agents of hell. Russia, Persia, North Korea and the Liberal agenda might endure for a short time but the Moed of ABBA are not going to be disengaged or nullified! A very old typing slogan ju d t will not be denied anylonger, so " Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country!"
ReplyDeleteYou and I go back a long way, long before this blog was begun, even chasing Islamic terrorists in Oklahoma.
So here we are again, once more, confirming that which the Holy Spirit has said, in one way or another.
Amen sister!
Sean, Do our(USA)coasts have any defense systems like the Aegis Missile Defense System to protect our borders?
ReplyDeleteYes, They're known as NORAD and the US Navy.
Of course, that ain't sayin' much. It's the old MAD Doctrine essentially. Bottom line, we have no in-situ anti-cruise missile systems defending CONUS other than the two mentioned above.
DeleteWell, for the next 4 yrs I would think the MAD Doctrine could be relied upon by Americans.
True, and they have no other option. However the MAD Doctrine does not work with suicidal jihadist regimes like Iran. They WANT the chaos the MAD Doctrine dictates.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't that muddle things up tho? MAD works with Russia, but doesn't work with Iran yet an attack on Iran is an attack on Russia, or so I'm led to believe. So wouldn't Russia discourage an attack by Iran?
DeleteAfter the horrors of WW1 "the war to end all wars" there was tremendous public pressure to avoid future international conflicts and downsize our military. Many of us may be unaware that at the start of WW2, the United States Army, one of the most outdated of the major western nations at that time, was still training soldiers with bayonets and cavalry horses. In fact, according to wikipedia In December 1939, the United States Cavalry consisted of two mechanized and twelve horse regiments of 790 horses each.
ReplyDeleteThink about what Sean said, how likely would it have appeared to most rational people that the United States would become a military and manufacturing superpower that would save the world from fascism within 5 years? God has a standard practice of doing the unlikely and seemingly impossible in order to get the world's attention and draw all people to Himself. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear will get the message, while those that are not His will willfully and deliberately turn away.
Perhaps I am more focused on miracles than usual because I have just experienced something truly miraculous in my own family. I may share in the future but don't want to clutter the blog with off topic comments right now.
From their latest ranting I would imagine Israel is watching them closely, it wouldn't suprise me if the Saudi's allow a flyover if the need arises.
ReplyDeleteYou know as well as I do that nothing muddles up the Lord's plan, especially as expressed in prophecy.
He's got this.
Just a thought that came to mind, this blog site has been up for almost 8 years, spring of 2009 I believe. Where has the time gone? I think you'll agree that the world is a different place than what it was in 2009. anyway, I was just thinking about that, 8 years of blog posts
ReplyDeleteFunny you mention that... I just noted the same THING in the new SITREP. And it was January 2009. :)