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The Sign of Revelation 12:1-2 that will occur on 23 September |
2 September 2017: As promised, this post is a short-term work-in-progress rebuttal to the fulfillment of Revelation 12:1-2 naysayers arguments, as well as a follow-on to the first part found HERE. This presentation is done in accordance with I Corinthians 16:14 and II Corinthians 10:5.
This post is short-term due to the fact that the great sign of Revelation 12:1-2 is in progress. The sun, moon and the planets in the coming astronomical alignment God Himself has prophesied to occur are moving according to the His plan and with His hand. As stated before, on 9 September, the king planet Jupiter, representative of Christ (and quite possibly the bride of Christ), exits from the "womb" of Virgo and begins a two-week transit down the "birth canal" for the sign concluding event on 23 September.
The focus has been on Revelation 12's first and second verses, and during this series of posts on Revelation 12, little has been said about the subsequent verses because I believe they are fulfilled prior to the 70th Week (as possibly in the verse 5 Harpazo), and obviously, thereafter and clearly during the 70th Week. The whole of Revelation 12 is therefore a prophecy, as are many others (Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, Jeremiah 49, etc.) at this time, in an active process of fulfillment.
A brother who goes by the name Brad is the site administrator of the Revelation 12 Daily blog website. If there is some aspect you want to dig into deeper with respect to Revelation 12, there's a high likelihood you'll probably find it here. You'll also find a Who's Who of Revelation 12 debunking personalities and/or ministries and responses to them. The debate is lively, but in no way should it be allowed to degenerate into a schism between brothers and sisters in Christ.
I believe Revelation 12:1-2 is literal, in the heavens above and still a couple of weeks into the future. The naysayers are playing defense, trying to protect without fully understanding the points we are making; without fully exploring what it is we are saying, and, unfortunately in some cases, without reading what we have written on this subject in full. What are they defending against? I know this first-hand via an Email I received that they are defending against what they see as date-setting, and date setting is the biggest eschatological no-no there is. The problem here is that WE have not set this date, God has! He controls all of the heavenly bodies, the sun, moon, the stars and the wandering stars, or planets which is this case are Jupiter, Mercury Mars and Venus. They are in precise alignments and precise locations which make the Revelation 12:1-2 sign occurring on 23 September possible. And not just possible, but a fact just 21 days from today. Note again, nothing in Revelation 12:1-2 says word one about the Harpazo of the bride of Christ, but that is what most of the naysayers are defending against. They're lumping those who are making such claims in with those of us who are not making such claims.
There are a great many thousands of words that have come off our keyboards and I suspect that less than a third of them have actually been read by our naysaying brethren. Again, they don't want to read what "date-setters" have to say, it's all bunkum, so they think; not worthy of their time to look at objectively. In sum, what the naysayers are doing is a form of peer review in which these peers of ours are not doing due diligence in their reviews.
However, that all said, and I cannot stress this enough, over and over again what we are ALL saying with specificity is that Revelation 12:1-2 will come to fulfillment on 23 September, not the entire prophecy. And the Harpazo will occur when God directs by His will that it is to happen, and He will send His Son for us. Remember, a sign is an indication, a warning of things to come. And the Revelation 12:1-2 sign is extremely significant at this point of the history of mankind on this earth. I pray that many come to Christ as a direct result of our teaching about it!
Some of you will recall what I've written about The Magoi and the Birth of Jesus Christ. I put this post to the front page of Eschatology Today every Christmas since I composed it seven years ago. The key element of it was the asking of a question: How did the Parthian (Persian) Magoi know what the specific sign would be and when it would occur. The Jews had departed from the Babylonian-Persian captivity hundreds of years earlier (also according to a specific date prophecy) to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.
So the sign the Magoi waited on for more than a half-millennium was passed down from generation to generation, ultimately to a specific generation which would make a great caravan to trek over 1000-plus miles round trip through horrific desert - because they saw an astronomical sign? A star? No, not a star, rather His star. The Magoi waited for and finally saw His star, and they followed it. Even the pagan Herod inquired with great precision of the Magoi in his presence about what time they saw the king star appear. The Gospels tell us this is a fact; it happened. The Magoi informed Herod this was all based upon information given them by a prophet? What prophet? The prophet who was foremost in the transition of Jewish captivity from Babylonian to Medo-Persian sovereignty -- the prophet Daniel.
And our naysaying brethren won't follow that same star, and the sun, moon and several other stars plus a trio of wandering stars in the prophesied precise alignment foretold by God Himself to Jesus who gave it to John on Patmos - because we are date-setters? They won't inquire with the same kind of great precision those of us who study this in detail on what we have learned?
There's another key item from the post Daniel's 70th Week and the Harpazo that has been an ongoing part of many posts to this blog since July 2011, and that is the timing of the Harpazo, the Harpazo of Enoch, the Flood of Noah and the template of Noah and his family being kept from the wrath of God in that Flood. I refer to this type of thing as "Past as Prologue for the Future." Then, strangely enough, on 23 September 2013 - which I now see is four years prior to the great sign of Revelation 12:1-2 - that ongoing study led directly to Genesis 7:4. That is the point where we see God directly warning Noah (after probably 80 years of constructing the Ark with his three sons) that in exactly seven more days the flood would come. And there was a specificity in that the date (God consistently gives us dates in this format: Year, Month, Day), that it was Noah's 600th year, 2nd month and 17th day. Wow! Why the specifics here?
Noah's ark is very much seen as a template for the Harpazo of the bride of Christ; how we will be taken to places prepared for us by Christ, just as Noah and sons prepared the Ark. So, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me at that time that the Jewish wedding tradition was also a directly related template. This led to Matthew 25 and the parable Jesus told about the ten wise and foolish virgins. I realized then that this parable is directly related to the Harpazo of the virgin bride of Christ. Those ten virgins were then warned of the approach of their Groom and his entourage at midnight, when it was dark. The virgins would see the lights of the entourage as it approached.
Messianic Rabbi Daniel Thomson in 2016 did an excellent presentation on video about this. It was on GodTube and YouTube, but it has since become unavailable. (?) This video was the lead item in January 2016's Global SITREP A2-16: The Groom is Coming for His Bride. The video will be recovered if that is possible, but the text of this post and all related comments serve as a summary of what Rabbi Thomson spoke about.
So, we've been diligently watching over the past couple of years for some kind of foretelling of the coming of our Groom, as Noah was foretold; some kind of torch-lit procession in the night sky heralding His approach for His bride. Lo and behold, is the great sign of Revelation 12:1-2 the very forewarning and great sign of His approach we have sought after? I say, Yes, it is.
One more thing, I had been busy collecting and collating a whole slew of the arguments the naysayers have put forward for some time now. I was even deep into a point-for-point of dissection and rebuttal Dr. Danny Faulkner's naysaying which I largely glossed over in part one of this post. Then I found this page at Revelation 12 Daily: Debunking the Debunkers. Now this is a true compendium for Revelation 12 naysayers being naysaid to very great effect. Far better than what I would have been able to put together in the available time this holiday weekend. Seriously, you name it - it's here; Debunking the Debunkers has it all.
I was especially fond of how my take on the nine naked-eye visible stars of the constellation Leo matched what is stated in this section; our views on this are essentially identical. I'm going to add a clickable graphic from the constellation guide dot com website as a visual aide. Please do click on the image below.
I previously mentioned how with modern technology billions (the googolplexian number) of stellar objects can be seen within the spatial grid occupied by Leo. But that again is not the point. In the above graphic there are nine stars connected like dots with the heavy green lines. Since early Mesopotamian times (that is pre-Babylonian times) this is how Leo has been seen; it is absolutely they way that the apostle John would have seen it as he gazed up into a clear night sky on the Island of Patmos. That's the point. NINE stars plus THREE planets lined up like ducks in a row along the ecliptic to the left of the bright star Regulus on 23 September are the crown of TWELVE stars upon the Virgin's head.
Is this or is this not a type of procession on the ecliptic plane of the solar system in plain sight of every living soul of planet earth? I say, Yes, it is! How much more front and center could a Divinely foretold sign be than on the ecliptic of the solar system? Is, say, such a sign could NOT be more front and center and therefore attention grabbing than it will be.
Finally, I have a strong impression or burden that between 9 and 23 September something else will happen to bring all of our gazes skyward, naysayers and proponent of the great sign alike.
Look Up! Marana'tha!
Thank you for sharing your research and thoughts. Always a blessing. Shalom