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Current world events seen through the clarifying lens of the LORD's inerrant prophetic word. The Lord's Word proclaims a series of 'latter days' events leading to the second coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom upon the earth in this generation.
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Global SITREP A1-23: Zionist Israel
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Global SITREP D10-22: The Emergent Religious Israel
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Global SITREP D9-22: Coming Full Circle
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The Coming Convergence: Coming Full Circle |
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Global SITREP D8-22: Past, Present and Future
16 November 2022: We've seen the past, and we see the present and the Word of God instructs us about the future. And there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).
Israel has a new government and what has been done will be done there once again. America will also soon be getting a new government. Last night President Donald Trump announced his intent to become an American president once again. Only God knows, but by His will what has been done will be done again.
In searching His word recently a prophecy was found that Eschatology Today has not previously seen or been aware of. What has been seen and has been written about on this blog is the prophecy of the sun not giving its light in conjunction with the moon being blood red, that it has a one-time and one-time only 70th Week of Years fulfillment. This prophecy is found in Revelation 6:12 when the Lord Jesus Christ opens the Sixth Seal.
But there is another prophecy that involves both the sun and the moon. This prophecy comes from Isaiah 30. Taking the entire chapter in context, this prophecy also appears to be one for fulfillment in this current generation and when all Israel is saved (i.e. in the time of the 144,000). In Isaiah 30:26 it is written:
Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun,
And the light of the sun will be sevenfold,
As the light of seven days,
In the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people
And heals the stroke of their wound.
Picture that in your mind's eye. The earth's moon as bright as the sun, not just reflecting the sun's brightness, but being as bright as the sun and only a quarter of a million miles away. And the cause for this is that the sun will become seven times brighter than normal, as brightness equivalent to an entire week's worth of the sun's brightness.
Truly this is a prophetic sign and it appears at first reading to be one which occurs as part of the Lord's judgements during the Thlipsis. Perhaps Isaiah 30:26 is related to the Trumpet judgments of Revelation 8? And it must be noted that this prophecy is just the opposite of what Isaiah 13:10-13 tells us. So placing the prophetic fulfillment in an understandable last days timeline is a challenge; further study is needed for sure.
Until then we know that God controls all things, His will is being done, governments rise and fall as He determines, and we're headlong into the imminent Harpazo of the Bride of Christ with our eyes wide open, watching, praying and saying Marana'tha!
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Global SITREP D7-22: Elections Have Consequences
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Global SITREP D6-22: The Pillars of Creation
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The Pillars of Creation Hubble 1995 |
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The Pillars of Creation Webb 2022 |
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain,And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.
And Psalm 104:2
Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment,Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain.
Less than 60 years ago all of these scientists, save one or two of faith, were insisting that the universe was static and had always been static. Oops, then as part of the angel Gabriel had imparted in his last words to the prophet Daniel (Daniel 12:4):
“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
Yes, we can say with absolute certainty that Gabriel even prophesied at least 2,600 years ago that mankind would one day, at "the time of the end" be where we are today, doing the things we are doing today and with the increased knowledge we have today - all of it confirming with absolute precision what God's word has always said. So here we are, at the end of the 6th millennium and awaiting the start of His Kingdom in the 7th millennium, looking at images today of what God did Bereshyith (in the beginning).
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Global SITREP D5-22: Rising Tide of Violence in Israel
Friday, September 30, 2022
Global SITREP D4-22: Russia's Illegal Annexation Guarantees War Escalation
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Location of Kerch |
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The Kerch Strait Bridge engulfed in flames |
UPDATE 8 October 2022: Speaking of an escalation in the war between Russia and Ukraine - it took place within hours of Vladimir Putin's 70th birthday. Some birthday present!
As noted in previous SITREPs, going all the way back to Russia's initial invasion and annexation of Ukraine's Crimean peninsula in 2014-2015, the Kerch Strait Bridge linking the eastern city of Kerch (the Kerch Strait) with Russia proper was destined to be struck if Ukraine were to have any hope of recovering Crimea from Russia's annexation. The strike, and major escalation, occurred at 06:00 Moscow time (0300 GMT) this morning.
According to several sources, this strike on the 12-mile long Kerch Strait Bridge was a clandestine strike carried out by Ukraine's SBU (Security Intelligence Service), although Ukraine has not said so officially. It appears a truck bomb was detonated as it passed below the fuel tanker railcars heading for Russian forces in Crimea and Southern Ukraine.
The fuel tanker railcars erupted in flames, a massive fire ensued, and al least two sections of the lower level roadway collapsed into the water below. The bridge is effectively and entirely out of commission at this time. There's little doubt this strike is the beginning of Ukraine's effort to retake Crimea. Also without doubt this strike flies in the face of Putin's threat to employ nukes if Russia or its annexed territories were attacked. Bottom line: this war is now at the anticipated crisis point with an undetermined limit on the level of escalation ahead. It will be swift, no doubt.
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Banners on Red Square, Moscow: "Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaphorizhzhia, Kherson - RUSSIA! |
30 September 2022: Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin just wrapped up a speech in the Kremlin in which he announced the annexation of four occupied, or partially occupied, Ukrainian oblasts as de facto Russian territory, as well as the defense of which from external attacks from any source can be met with the use of Russian nuclear weapons. This unilateral action by the regime of Putin will result in an escalation and intensification of the war into realms previously only discussed in thrilling war novels and action films a la the late Tom Clancy.
Today's announcement in Moscow has occurred as the Armed Forced of Ukraine (AFU) have encircled and entrapped two regiment-sized forces of the Russian Army. Those units are the BARS-13 "Russian Legion" and 572nd Guards Motor Rifle Regiment of the 20th General Army which have been in a weeks-long, hard-pressed defense of Lyman, Donetsk Oblast. Lyman will fall to the AFU shortly as all Ground Lines Of Communication (GLOC) and resupply have been cut off. This is day 219 of the war.
What remains to be seen: will Putin deploy nuclear weapons in defense of the illegally annexed "Russian" territory, and how will NATO respond to it. At the moment US and NATO aircraft are airborne scouring the entire spectrum for any sign of deployed Russian nuclear weaponry.
UPDATE 3 October 2022: The U.S. does have the capability to detect in advance a Russian deployment of nuclear weaponry. Several former and current US government officials have made this information public knowledge in recent days, not so much to assure civilians, but to let Russia's leadership know that our side will know if and when that happens.
The Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines, as reported by Denmark's military forces, ceased leaking methane gas this past weekend. This is not due to any repair effort, but because the remaining methane gas in the pipeline is not strong enough to overcome the pressure of the Baltic Sea at the depth where the sabotage ruptures occurred.
Probably of the utmost importance was the text of Vladimir Putin's annexation speech. This speech was couched in unhinged and wildly erroneous pseudo-religious rhetoric, about a "holy war" against the West. Putin's speech was preceded in Red Square by a rally in which the battle-cry for this war and an open call within ultra-nationalist Russian society for total war against the West. The battle cry is the Russian word "Goida!" A video of the Red Square rally where this call for holy war was made can be viewed at The American Conservative website. The video is most informative. Think in terms of Ezekiel 38/39 when you view it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Global SITREP D3-22: "This is not a Bluff"
UPDATED 22 September 2022: In announcing the conscription mobilization of 300,000 troops from Russia's reserve forces (veterans of prior service), Russian president Vladimir Putin this morning set in motion an escalation of his war against Ukraine and NATO. Putin's escalation of the war is replete with the threat of Russian use of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons because he now sees the tide of his war being reversed and therefore threatening the "territorial integrity of Russia."
In Vladimir Putin's thoroughly warped worldview, all of Ukraine, from the Don River Basin (a/k/a the Donbas) westward to the NATO frontier, is Russian territory. The recent rout of Russian forces and loss of territory to Ukrainian forces armed to the hilt with the best weapons the West has provided to date is a direct threat to Russian territorial integrity. This in turn is Putin's rationale for his threat in authorizing nuclear weapons use. We must accept Putin's words, "This is not a bluff" at face value, and he will release his nukes upon his enemies.
Make no mistake, even the Chinese Communists have been rattled by this morning's announcement from Moscow. Word came swiftly out of Beijing warning Moscow to immediately de-escalate and to seek a cease-fire in the Ukraine war. The U.S. and NATO response to this escalatory threat from Russia will be announced in the U.N. General Assembly this morning.
This is the current SITREP AS OF 10:30 EDT 21 September 2022.
An often asked question: Will nuclear war occur? Answer: Yes, both before the 70th Week begins and during it. And since the harpazo of the bride of Christ is always imminent, it cannot be stated with any certainty that a nuclear exchange will not occur prior to the blessed event.
(Beyond this, a nuclear exchange has already occurred on this earth while the bride of Christ was present. On August 6th and 9th 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan were struck with atomic bombs dropped by two American B-29 Stratofortess aircraft. Hundreds of thousands of human beings perished in both strikes.)
Now, an Eschatology Today explanation for why this is true.
The Gog and Magog prophecy of Ezekiel 38/39 appears to have a pre-70th Week of years fulfillment. The LORD God declares in Ezekiel 39:6 "And I will send fire on Magog and on those who live securely (confidently) in the coastlands." There is no reason to question that the land of Magog (Russia) will receive a nuclear strike as a result of the attempt to invade, rape and plunder the nation of Israel. (Note: this is exactly what Russia's intent has been for the Ukraine, and, in fact, invasion, rape, mass murder and plunder are what the Russian military forces and their proxy allies have committed in Ukraine.)
The unknown part of this is: Is America the unknown land which lives securely (confidently) in the coastlands who receives fire (judgment) as Magog (Russia) does? Whatever the case may be, these strikes happen during the midst of the destruction of the armies of Magog and its confederates upon the mountains of Israel. It may be true also that this is not a full-scale nuclear war as the world goes on and endures almost to the point of an extinction level event through the Lord's judgments of the 70th Week of years which follow shortly thereafter. So, it may be what occurs in Ezekiel 39:6 is a limited or tactic use of nuclear weapons.
Then during the 70th Week of years, as seen in Revelation 6, a quarter of all human life on the earth will be annihilated. As of 2022, and the waning global COVID-19 pandemic, there are 8 billion souls on the earth. That means 2 billion will die in the Revelation 6 judgments. Shortly thereafter the Revelation 8 and 9 judgments occur upon the remaining 6 billion population of the earth, and of these a full one-third are annihilated. What is one-third of 6 billion? It is another 2 billion people. That's 4 billion people wiped out in the first 42 months, also known as the Thlipsis/Tribulation. Eschatology Today assesses that the vast major of these are the direct result of nuclear weapons.
And during the Megas Thlipsis/Great Tribulation it only gets worse, so much so that if the Lord would not cuts those days short the extinction of human life would have occurred. Jesus speaking in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:22 NKJV: "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened."
So, when utterly mad men talk in threatening tones about using nuclear weapons at this hour, pay attention! If Jesus Christ is not your Lord and Savior all you have to do at this point is call upon His Name to forgive your sins and be covered by His precious sacrifice.
Friday, September 16, 2022
16 September 2022: The Lord woke me up at 03:30 this morning to receive an important email from Donald Dolmus (our dear brother in Nicaragua), which he sent at 01:30 this morning. Now, finally, after a complete Microsoft 365 update on this machine, here I am sharing what he sent with all of you. The image speaks for itself. Halleluiah and Marana'tha! This is exciting!
Monday, September 12, 2022
Global SITREP D1-22: Syria
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Global SITREP C10-22: The Kings of the East Revisited
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The East |
Monday, August 8, 2022
Global SITREP C9-22: What Next?
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Interim PM Lapid, DM Gantz and IDF Staff |
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Global SITREP C8-22: Temple Mount (Tisha b'Av)
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Rainbow over the Temple Mount (Moriah) and Mount of Olives |
28 July 2022: Today marks the first day of the month of Av. As most know very well, the 9th of Av has historically been a day of mourning, deprivation, prayer and fasting in commemoration of the calamities that have befallen the Israel on Tisha B'Av due to a manifest lack of faith and failure to observe the ordinances of God.
Tisha B'Av is the culmination of the first nine days of Av, and which extends to the previous three weeks as that is when several Roman legions began their siege of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in 70 AD. While this date has no real significance of Christians, it marks 3,335 years since the first of several tragic events dating back to the time of the Exodus and the deliverance of Israel from bondage in Egypt.
As Christians we should recognize that these events in Israel's history are a progression, a process that eventually will lead to all Israel being redeemed in the Blood of our Messiah, Jesus Christ. We recall what occurred during the Exodus that caused Moses to break the first set of tablets, inscribed by the Divine finger of God Himself. How utterly priceless were those tablets! No one knows what truly became of them even though oral tradition says that were carried in the Ark of the Covenant. Purely speculative, but the breaking of those tablets when Moses saw the golden calf and Israel worshipping its as their god might seem as the initial in a multiple millennia long series of Tisha B'Av tragedies.
Today this day Israel remains under the terms of the covenant God told Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab (Deuteronomy 29:4). Read the entire chapter for context, and Paul's reference to this in Romans 11:8.
Further, we're told that the first Tisha B'Av event occurred in 1313 BC when the spies returned from scouting the land and the children of Israel balked at entering the Promised Land due to the bad report and that God's response was for that generation to wander in the wilderness for 40 years, to die there and their children would be the first to enter Eretz Israel.
Then came the destruction of the First and Second Temples on Mount Moriah, by the Babylonians and Romans respectively in 586 BC and 70 AD. This was followed by the revolt against Rome led by Simon Bar Kokhba and which ended with Simon Bar Kokhba and his Jewish Army in the town of Betar being utterly slaughtered by Roman legions on Tisha B'Av 135 AD.
Again, this is all part of an ongoing process, a process which will ultimately culminate with the prophetic verse in Ezekiel 39:29. This is how Eschatology Today thinks of the meaning of Tisha B'Av.
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